Join us for Sunday morning worship.
For the benefit of our members, guests, and their families, we offer both in-person and a Facebook live stream of our worship service at 10:30am.
You can join our Facebook live stream at:
The elders, deacons and men of the congregation have developed a plan for resuming in-person worship services. However, we want to stress that anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable attending in-person or who has an underlying health condition should continue to watch the live-streamed services. No one should feel compelled to attend services.
Until further notice we will follow these guidelines for our Sunday morning worship time for the safety of our members and visitors:
1. In-person Sunday morning worship services will continue unless there is an increase in coronavirus cases and the health department advises against it.
2. Live streaming of services will continue for those who feel uncomfortable attending in-person.
3. Communion will be served in pre-packaged containers. Offering trays will be set up where people can drop off their offering. Nothing will be passed among the congregation.
4. Social distancing: Every two pews will be taped off. For example, one open pew, two pews taped off, one open pew, two pews taped off. People are encouraged to keep a distance of six feet between each other while entering and exiting the building and while visiting. Family groups must sit together.
5. Anyone who feels uncomfortable attending in-person or is not feeling well, is encouraged to stay home and watch the live stream.
6. Those attending are required to wear face masks. If you don’t have one or forget it, masks will be available at the church.
7. People are to use their own Bibles. No pew Bibles or song books will be available. Songs will be projected on the screen.
8. Hand sanitizer will be available.
Thank you in advance for following these measures and please pray that we will be able to meet together again safely.
– The Elders at the Stolley Park church of Christ